The brewery services it's customers by Keg and tap delivery from bars and restaurants. We're also selling to the public in 2 litre stainless steel Flagons that are double skinned with sealable lids. "These are a great product as well and could be a game changer in terms of the way people buy and carry their beer in the future. By staying away from glass bottles it has become a better option for those who are weary and conscious of landfill waste. When you consider the logistics of getting a beer from Mexico or Italy or Japan or wherever and delivering it to a bar in Rarotonga for 5 or 6 bucks it is an amazingly efficient process. We know that in order to compete with that our job is to make a great beer that Visitors appreciate and our Locals are proud to call their own.
We can do that and that's our commitment.
If you have a thirst and a taste for good beer, check out the Rarotonga Brewery opposite Oasis in Nikao, Trader Jacks, Vaiana’s or On the Rocks.